1/35 Tamiya Hetzer 5 Hour build

So with the Takom Hetzer on the horizon, I pulled out the old 2009ish Hetzer from Tamiya to see if I can make it before it becomes obsolete. And boy was I surprised how good that kit actually still is. Two days later its done and with a few additions Its ready for paint. Probably the best link and lengh tracks I have ever worked with, miles ahead of the Takom tracks they have in the M46/47 kits. This kit is ideal for beginners.


Looks great. I agree it’s another solid kit for beginners from Big T. The price might be the only deterrent. What scheme are you going to do?

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I agree this kit is a fantastic build and an excellent kit for beginners.

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The one word I will use for Tamiya is reasonable . Reasonably priced reasonably accurate reasonably diffecult. . and just plain fun. Yah! it doesn’t have a lot of do-dads, but really who need a lot of PE to finish a kit? I ike the simpicity of the builds. Excuse the spelling , I am forgeting a lot of knowledge.


Its time to add a crew to the small Panzerjager. Im thinking one or two sitting on the roof. The new set from Miniart has nice overrals that do match the late war camo I will be using.


That is the perfect figure set for the Hetzer! I’ve been in a Hetzer and the only thing you want to do in there is get out! It’s so cramped! So the whole crew sitting on the outside when stopped is perfectly natural. These guys would look excellent on your Hetzer.

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