1/350 Airfix Type 45 HMS Dragon or is it Dauntless...?

Good to see her with the masking off, Russ

Looking very good indeed for a total beast of a kit.

Happy Christmas mate, looking forward to seeing the Ensign hoisted.

Cheers, Si


Not far now Russ and she is looking great. Love the detail work you have done…Cheers mark

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Happy New Year everyone!:tada:

I’ve been somewhat quiet of late as the demands of the holiday period take their toll.

Progress is however being made on the final details, but, I have struck a road block!:neutral_face:

In wanting to show the Lynx together with the deck handling tractor, I tried assembling the WEM pe but I’m far from happy with the result it gives.:pensive:

So I’m throwing it out to the Brains Trust: does anyone of our esteemed community know what type of deck handling tractor the type 45’s are equipped with and if there’s a 3d resin/printed aftermarket unit available :pray::man_shrugging:


Great finish Russ and the extra details with the name plate and life savers look very nice. Great fun to follow and you nailed it … :+1:

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And to you, mate!

Talking about being somewhat quiet :roll_eyes: at least I’ve cleared the place that used to be my shipyard from stuff that stuck there from moving the last time…so I hope to be more active here again soon.

Your HMS Dauntless looks splendid, great to see what you eventually made out of this troublesome kit, and without doubt, it’s worth it!
I am sorry I have to pass on your question regarding the deck handling tractor, though.
Let the glacier run, anyway!



Russ @Russelle , not sure if it helps but I can phone one of the Navy flights down at our local station, RNAS Culdrose and ask about the method of moving the birds in and out of the hanger ?

When I was at Odiham, they used a motorised hand trolley to drag the Chinooks out of the hangers up to the flight apron…

Let me know, it’s not a drama mate ok.


Thanks mate. Don’t worry about being quiet of late, I’m certainly very much time poor as well at the moment and definitely not at active as usual on the forums :slightly_smiling_face:

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Oh wow! Yes please, John, if it’s not too much trouble :pray:

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Russ, its as I thought, but a slightly different version to the one they use to move Chinooks with.

The T45s use a RAM - Remote Aircraft Mover (RAM) Handler

Its a pretty universal thing used by most Navies in one form or another.

All images from online open sources and used for discussion only.





RAM - Remote Aircraft Mover (RAM) Handler and then hit images and you’re sorted. Info was given to me by a Merlin pilot at RNAS Culdrose.


John, those images and information are really great: thankyou! :slightly_smiling_face:

Airfix don’t supply anything at all in the way of a mover, WEM do, but it’s very different from the ones you’ve indicated are in use… I’ll post a picture tomorrow of the WEM mover… At this stage I’m inclined to leave it off the build and just show the Lynx as it will probably be better to not have one, rather than having the wrong one… :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

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No probs mate. Glad to be of some help.

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Here’s a video. Apparently they use elves to help out.

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Well, after seeing the images of the "RAM"s above, I thought I’d see how the WEM unit comes out, and well, to be honest, I think I’ll leave if off the build-its the wrong shape and way too big. What do you guys think?

So, scratch one “RAM” unless anyone know of a better 1/350 unit in the aftermarket supply chain?

Moving onto the chopper now, and preps for the wooden base are underway :smiley:


Hi Russ,

while the real thing ‘RAM’ looks pretty chunky, that WEM piece does even more so, and it does not look like the type used… Well, for putting it halfway hidden in the hangar bay, with the chopper on the flight deck, concealing it even more, it could still do…

Looking forward to your chopper update!



Hi mate! Glad to see you back here on the MSWs! :blush:

Yep, I think the best thing is to just leave the RAM off altogether… The Chopper however is an adventure into itself.

As the last two styrene items from the kit, it’s the gift that just keeps on giving :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I agree with Jan about the RAM, it does look a bit chunky, and I don’t think it’s the correct type for 45s…

I think the helicopter will be the big focus point on the flt deck area…


Russ, kick me in the arse for not seeing this build prior to today… shame on me!

Man-a-live you know your stuff!


Hi HG :slightly_smiling_face:

Great to have you on board for this one.

She’s nearly there now… The chopper is due to decalled tonight, with finishing touches the next few days, then onto the base.

:crossed_fingers: I’ll have her done by the end of the month as this one’s dragging out way too long :cowboy_hat_face:


Drag it out Brother. Sure did a ton of work on this one. The add-ons alone must have cost a fortune.

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Not as much as you might think, HG :slightly_smiling_face:

Still, the AM has been worth the money as they are vastly superior to the kits parts :cowboy_hat_face:

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