1/350 finished Graf Spee from 2010

As Thomas asked for pictures of my Graf Spee and I don’t want to highjack his thread, I put them here.

So this is my Graf Spee, the 1/350 Trumpeter kit with Eduard and WEM PE, and Master turned brass barrels. The 2cm single guns are modified from the Master’s Oerlikons, omitting some parts and using 2 cm barrels for the German guns. I built her in 2010 (about…), and this was my first kit in 1/350, and my first kit with PE, but no wooden deck at the time. They were available, but somehow I was not ready for that yet.

Before that I had restarted my ship modeling hobby with a row of Heller 1/400, that were the kits I was doing many years before as a kid. I started them OOB, painted with Revell colors, than started a little modifying them, and eventually got an airbrush and used first Vallejo, than Tamyia paints.
So the Graf Spee here is done with Tamiya and airbrush.
(Well, in the background, of course, my current build, the Gneisenau)


Very nice Spee you have there Jan, congratulations! :beers:

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Even though its not a wooden deck Jan, it looks like the real thing in the photos, … great work on the GS.


Jan, your KM Graf Spee looks very sweet!

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She’s a beauty, Jan :slightly_smiling_face: