@Russelle requested I do a build log for my HMS Zulu which I am building for the Siege of Malta Campaign so I figured why not.
I will be doing her in her mid-late 1942 loadout when she was serving in the Mediterranean and when she was sunk September 1942.
The Trumpeter kit is for an early war version so I will be doing some modifications to the limit of my skills. I have ordered a bunch of AM to assist me from Micro Master and Black Cat models and boy is it simply gorgeous stuff.
So far I have gotten as far as building/painting the hull. I attempted to correct the sheer issue on the bow and was moderately successful. I did lose the flair as hull plates come up to meet the deck which is not something I know how to correct.
The other issue I am working on is the rear funnel. I needed to remove around 2mm of length to reflect the refitted funnel on the ship. My method was to take 2mm tape and use it as a guide.
Currently I am waiting for the putty to dry on the join. Looks like it worked pretty well.
One of the changes made to HMS Zulu in her refit was the upgrade of her rangefinder to a MKIII version. The kit does not include this so its one of the pieces I got from MicroMaster. It is a work of art. 3D printing is the future.
After gluing this together I went back and re-examined the photo and discovered I had missed an important detail. It is supposed to have a platform with railing below it. This would have been much easier to do before I glued it in place. sigh
I used my circular cutter to cut out a plasticard disc. The only sheet I had that was thin enough was transparent. I then finagled it onto the support and bend some spare railing to shape.
Much better. I still need to add the triangular platform supports and the ladder and then I shall call it done.
Great start Rory 
for posting a blog 
Following along with interest.
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HMS Cossak gets her sister
. She looks really nice and trim in the darker gray. You are so much faster then me. I just started to paint the deck
The 3-d printing is brilliant but i am a bit afraid of it.
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I know what you mean. It looks pretty fragile and I have very big fat fingers. I will just do my best to keep my fingers as far from it as possible.
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Forward superstructure is mostly built and painted. Just need to do a few more washes and touch ups.
All the bridge equipment sadly hidden. It looked pretty good.
Starting on the funnels. For reasons known only to Cthulu, the funnel caps were molded solid. I am busy working on drilling out the solid part
When I corrected my Tribal Class I not only raised the sheer, but I also also continued the flair in it’s arc - I built upwards and outwards. As a result the deck had to be lengthened slightly as well as widened slightly to accommodate the increased flair. It was only by no more than maybe 1 1/2 mm per side, with Evergreen strip.

When I get going, I get going 
Aft superstructure is installed along with railings etc. I will need to go back and touch up the insides of the funnel caps.
Not all that much to go now. The main mast, ships boats, main railings and the weapon systems.
The screws will have to wait until I have enough stuff I need to justify an order with MicroMaster. I cant justify $17.50 postage for a $9 part. Luckily I have many more ships in the stash so its just a matter of time.
Very clean build and that in a lightning speed
The colors look very elegant on her.
I am still struggling wiht the changes to the superstructure according to “plan”
Really liking the pace of your build Rory. 
I envy you guys that can go this quick-seems I’m eternally stuck racing glaciers on my builds 
I have seen your builds and they are stunning. I think that’s the main difference between our builds. I am very much a “looks good enough” builder while you are a perfectionist! Perfection takes time.
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And so one of the shortest Build Blogs you will see will soon come to an end. I am putting the finishing touches onto my HMZ Zulu and I will have pics of her tomorrow I think.
But before I end I just want to showcase how amazing the 3D parts from MicroMaster and Black Cat are. I really cannot stop gushing over how good they are.
So since a picture is worth a thousand words I present (ruler is in cm)
MicroMaster 25ft Motor Launch
MicroMaster Quad 0.50 AA
MicroMater Quad torpedo Launcher
MicorMaster 4.7 inch mount (the bent barrel straightened up just fine with some hot water)
Micromaster K-gun
Black Cat Quad Pom-pom
Very cool, Rory! And really swift!
The 3D parts really look outstanding, they will make up your fine ship! (Before I start a Tribal class DD, I will get those parts, too…)
Looking forward to seeing her completed,
How do you paint this microscopic thing without breaking it 
Very carefully! Painting isn’t the hard part, its handling them and getting them off the fret/sprue.
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And we are done. I was actually done last night but had to wait for the last matt coat to dry and to get some better light.
I give you my rendition of HMS Zulu. Is she 100% accurate? Nope. But she looks pretty close and I am really happy with her.
Hopefully in the next few months I will order her screws but till then she is done.
Next up…HMS Vendetta in her 1918 colours. Watch this space.
Rory, this is a most excellent rendition of Zulu! 
Congratulations on your commissioning of her

A very fine addition to the “McRunty” fleet and a great illustration of the benefits to using 3d printed aftermarket additions!
Wow, with all these Tribals lurking in people’s stashes, we maybe should have a Tribal campaign 
Thanks for sharing mate, looking forward to seeing the Vendetta and Enterprise builds 
She is really beautiful, so elegant and clean! 
(Shouldn’t the white ensign be on the other side of the ship?
Most likely but there wasn’t a jack staff back there shrugs
Plus I followed the instructions and as we know, Trumpeters instructions are always correct 
Never dare that with a chinese flag 