Anybody have 4th Sentai decals for a 1/48 Ki-45 Toryu? Beg, borrow , or steal.
Are those the decals in the Nichimo kit? Might be able to find one of those old kits cheap if they are the correct decals.
Seen this set. Unfortunately, no 4th Sentai markings. Ones I’ve seen for Ki-45s are red or yellow. Seen a set for the Ki-27 in blue. (HQ?) Hasegawa’s boxings have several options for them.
Nichimo’s doesnt have 4th Sentai markings on their sheet. Besides, their decals are crap. I did one of their Jakes (not from State Farm.) and the decals were thick (like 3-4 scale inches) and stiff. Also, quick check on Ebay , the “cheap” ones were running $40-$50 , with shipping. Some idjit in Japan wanted $143!!! Hasegawa has the 4th as options in several boxings. Arisawa (?) had a set with the 4th but it was a limited run in 07 and they seem to be sold out. Also trying to find the tail marking for Shimbu Sakura Tokubetsu kogeki-tai decals from Tamiya’s 1/48 Mitsubishi Ki-46 III Type 100. There is an aftermarket sheet, but again, out of print/ sold out.
Ultracast in Canada has an extensive offering of out of print decals - pricey but they may have what you want. Have you tried Life Like ? They have a lot of Japanese sets .
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