1/48 Academy Bf109G-14

I just purchased this kit and want to do it as Eric Hartmann’s winter white camo plane in Hungary 1944. I need to find decals, most likely Eagle Cals I think do this scheme. I will do a build of this here as soon as I get the kit and decals.

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The kit will be here Monday. Time to order theses decals.

Kit has arrived. Now to wash and start detail pain ting of the cockpit.

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I have some cockpit detail painting done.


I have the cockpit installed in the fuselage, the tail removed and tall tail added plus I scratch built a fuel line for the right side of the cockpit wall. The tall tail join with the fuselage will need some putty and blending.


I started a scratch build for the battery box cover on the bulkhead behind the pilots head. It needs a bit of sanding and shaping.I used Evergreen plastic sheet stock .015" thick.


Battery cover on and painted, tail puttied.


I have the engine hood, machine guns, seat harnesses, gun sight, canopy, wings, wing bulges, horizontal stabilizers, fuselage drop tank mount and tail wheel all added. Almost ready to mask and paint.


I painted the bottom RLM 76. I had enough left in the can so I sprayed the top also as a primer coat. Next is masking and spraying the yellow on the engine cowls’ lower side and the yellow band around the rear fuselage.

The yellow for the lower nose cowl and rear fuselage band are done. I have to clean up the front where the mask leaked.

why does it look so orange in the photograph?

Here is the color,Tamiya camel yellow which is a tad bit orangey but every time I photograph on either my blue or green cutting mats the colors go bonkers. I think I have the wrong lighting or type of bulb.

That yellow looks right to me, so I guess it is just the lighting or the type of light. I’m glad that I had not missed a new theater badge.