Rikard Algotsson, a friend, had Commissioned me, to build a 1:50 scale diorama. This time a snow diorama. Now this is my first snow diorama as I have never felt comfortable about doing one due to the lack of knowledge. I’ve always added or tried to mimic melted ice on the roads, in certain areas. You can see them in a few photos. I also put blown snow on the signs and road guard post to simulate blown snow. The effect is pretty cool and authentic. I also added some skid marks in the snow that as been covered by fresh snow in some areas. Hope you all like the results.
Looks like it came out of a news report- the yellow against the white is really eye catching.
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Thank you very much.
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Great job, it looks cold.
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Hehe! Glad you’re frozen about it.
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You know this is the reason I never deliver or receive via DHL. Oh wait, this is a model
HAHAHA!!! Thanks.
So thats why my parcel never arrived … oh wait … its a dio. Again Charles, very well done and super realistic
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HeHe!! Sounds like DHL has a bad rep. Glad you like it. Thanks.