OK! Finished enough to count towards my 2023 total. They do need isolators on the antennae and same chipped paint around the wing roots but I consider them flight worthy anyway. No reason to ground an aircraft due to a lack of paint scratches…
The early 109F of Werner Mölders…
…and Pips Priller’s 109F-4.
Kits are fun builds with loads of details and very good fit but they require care when building. One thing I noticed was that some of the edges that have been cast very thin (parts like rudder and ailerons) have a tiny hairline of flash. Easy to get rid of with a sanding stick but difficult to see before it is too late (at least when you’re 51 ).
There are of course things that can be done better (and which of course will be in these builds ) but in general I’m very happy with the general outcome of these. And they look really 109 I think!
I’m off skiing for a few days, I promise some more photos when I’m back!
Gott Nytt År! (Merry New Year in Swedish…)