1/72nd Dragon Wagon photo etch

I posted a question on who makes the best quality dragon wagon in 1/72nd and someone replied to me that Edward may have a superdetailing set.
So, I looked into it and unfortunately they didn’t have a set anymore.
So, with that in mind does anyone else have any idea about this subject?
Thank you.

AFAIK Edouard’s was the only AM set for this model. Apparently it is now OOP. The only alternative is Evergreen and a sharp blade. Look for other builds as reference (best is 1/35 by Tamiya), or download the instructions for the same kit. When in doubt, conceal lack of detail by lots of stowage and/or heavy weathering!
:smiley: :canada:

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Thank you for the advice.

If you try ebay (I know, some people hate it!) you just might find someone selling an old set…you never know! :thinking:
:smiley: :canada: