I’ve begun Heller’s 1/75 Pinta (although some reviews claim it is actually 1/87) that’s been stashed for some 20 yrs. As per usual practice, Heller does not bother to protect sprues, and the vacu-form sails have taken quite a beating, actually they have been battered almost flat! Any tips on replacing the sails? I’ve experimented in the past with cutting fabric, but the edges always fray, and the threads fall apart. On smaller scales I would use wrapping paper tissue soaked with white glue, but I think this is too large a scale for this method to work. There are only three sails involved - two square-sails; and one lateen sail, and I haven’t decided yet whether I want them furled, or open. Any suggestions?
Thanks. I’ll bookmark these and keep them in mind. I was investigating Silkspan (a paper product with fabric fibers, stronger than regular tissue paper, and is able to manipulate manually even when wet) but there is none available locally, and is very expensive ordering from US. I did manage to find tea-bag tissue, which can be used as a substitute for Silkspan, by the sheet, and at a reasonable price and shipping rate from UK. It can be cut with scissors (no unravelling or rough edges), and drawn on with pencil, or painted with acrylics. I ordered a sheet and I’ll see how that works out.