1961 Dodge Dart Phoenix

I got to digging back into some old photos and decided that I should probably post some of these old builds that I probably have not posted before, and if I have, it was a long time ago.

These models are from a far gone era when I was still building minimally, with very few additions and limited detail.

This was back when I was pumping them out, one every few weeks to a couple of months, and when I was still honing many of my paint, foil and general detailing skills.

Even though these models are far from my best efforts, they are representative of the progression of my modeling skills, and in the end, I suppose they should get some exposure and a little love too.

This is a Johan/X-EL 1961 Dodge Dart, and the date on the photos say that they were taken in 2012.

Not as far back as I had anticipated, but I’m pretty confident that the model was built some time prior to that.

Could have been as much as 10 years earlier.

It’s become very difficult for me to track time anymore. :wink:

In any case, it’s an old curbside build from a time gone by, so please don’t expect much.

My photography skills back then were obviously even worse than my building skills. :crazy_face:



Looks like a super clean build to me. What did you paint the body with? Gloss coat? How did you do all the chrome trim?

Beautiful Dodge. Very well done.


It’s been a while, but my assumption would be that the paint was Duplicolor black, followed by Testors “Wet Look Clear” and polished.

I don’t use much of the Testors clear anymore, as I have had issues with cracking.
Now I use Duplicolor clear, and I still polish.

The trim is all done with BMF, (Bare Metal Foil)


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Very nice. Thanks for the detailed reply.