4M Mayhem show Feb 3

Photos from the Mid Michigan Model Makers show at Saginaw Valley college.I will start with my two favorite models the HMS King George V and the SM 79

more tomorrow


Now that’s a wild camouflage on that plane. Sure stands out like a sore thumb on that table.

The SM79 camo was wild but very well done. Now for more pictures.


Creative Pics:slightly_smiling_face:

Great looking entries- really like that big rail-gun dio! Thanks for posting the pics.

There were some nicely done models. Now for more pics

and the rest tomorrow


the last of the photos

last but not least

There were many more models at this show than at the last couple of shows I attended and that is a good thing. There were also a number of cars, truck, sci-fi etc there but I am not interested in them so I left them out. The photos aren’t all that great but neither is my camera. I often think OOOOOh I’d love to have a fancy camera but I also think expensive camera = fewer kits and the stash wins