‘65 Chevy Nova Gasser

Finished up this Moebius kit.
Didn’t really add any extra detail and the tires are from my spares box


Very nicely done. Silly question - where the hood pins attach?

Very nicely done, love the weathering and the replacement front guards.

Cheers, D

Excellent presentation! I swear I pass this car everyday!

Cajun :crocodile:

Awesome work! It really looks the biz!! The mix match panels, rust, patina…NICE!!

Totally impressed,very good work

Very nicely done. Actually reminds me of my college days back in the late 1960’s when the few hot rodders we had in our neighborhood had their cars look much like your Chevy Nova II with body panels from the scrap yard. Just never saw a full blown motor in any of them as most guys back then were lucky to get to the up and running stage.


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Beautiful work your weathering perfect.

The rust is perfect.