Abteilung 502 Oil paint color question

I wish to make the Olive drab color of the US Army in WW2. I am using Abteilung 502 oil paints, does anyone know what colors I use from their product line up ? I wish to recreate the colors of OD 3 and OD 7 used by American forces in WW2. Thank you. Rob

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Olive Drab is made from Yellow Ochre and Black. Different proportions give different shades of OD. You need to experiment yourself to get the shades you desire.
Oh, and welcome to Armorama!


Thank you, what color would you recommend to lighten olive drab ? Thank you. Rob

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Welcome to the forum, Rob.

Lightening is often requires a little experimenting and it depends on what you want.

  1. White tends to bleach out the color

  2. Naples Yellow (pale yellow) has less bleaching effect and also lightens. This color usually works pretty well with greens and olives.

That’s been my experience with Winsor Newton oils, I think it would also apply to other paints.


For lightening, you could also try their buff or “sand” color.


Thank you for the answers all. Rob

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Welcome to the forum. You’ve come to the right place for help. The guys that responded to your question, not me, seriously know what they are talking about!

There is an app “Model Colors” which might help. I’m colour blind so I need all the help I can.

(Apple link) ‎Model Colors on the App Store


While it might seem odd, I use Abteilung 502 flesh tone base to lighten olive green and field grey. It doesn’t create the problem of bleaching out the color like pure white and gives a bit warmer color than Naples yellow, which I also use. Give it a try and see what you think.