Academy A-10C 1/48th. "Finished"

Thanks everyone. Happy to have inspired a purchase Mike @Hooker169.

The AK paints are great. I use mr color levelling thinner too.

Have masked and applied the Dark Ghost Grey, AK RC again. Sorry didn’t take pics of the masking, it was thin rolls of blu-tac and a load of tape.

Was worried the contrast would be too much but I am pretty happy with it. Might highlight panels with the light ghost grey heavily thinned but will let it dry completely and sleep on it.


Looking mighty nice … :+1:


Jim, I think you’re doing a fantastic job! I have the same kit, but only about 20% complete. I’m surprised that you have found some issues with the fit and finish of the plastic. As I wrote, I’m not that far along, but all the test/dry fitting I have done indicates perfect fit. Maybe I’ll encounter issues myself once I start actually gluing parts together. I used the Phase Hangar upgrades for the engines, intake and exhaust, which are AMAZING pieces…can’t recommend them highly enough! Like you, I am waiting for, and hoping, that the forthcoming GWH A-10C will be even better in terms of details, but that didn’t stop me from getting another Academy A-10C (though I did get good deal on it), AND another set of Phase Hangar engine parts, in case the GWH kit turns out to be a bust. We will see. Even if I end up with 3 A-10Cs to build, I have 3 paint schemes that I want to do.

Again, you’re doing a great job! By the way, if you haven’t seen the Jake Melampy book The Modern Hog Guide, Revision 2, you are missing out! That book was recommended to me, and it is spectacular for modelers of the A-10!

Oh, and not that it matters, but I’m using the MRP paints for my first A-10C, and I’ll be using the Two Bobs ‘Heritage Hawgs’ decals for the ‘A-10C 79-0107/KC, 303rd Fighter Squadron, 442nd Operations group, Whiteman AFB, Missouri, December 2019’ livery. It is still a 2 grey scheme, but with D-Day invasion stripes (which I am an absolute sucker for!)


Ok, so got sidetracked with a build for a friend’s significant birthday. He has collected Biggles books since childhood and I found the Edward 1/48th Sopwith Camel with fictional James Bigglesworth markings. Took a lot longer than I expected, but isn’t that always the way! Oh, and no I am not going to rig it, sanity must be held onto at all costs!!

The A-10 is back on the bench and waiting for its highlights…


Have put down some highlights on the dark ghost grey using well thinned light ghost grey as I prefer less of a contrast in the two. Masked and painted the wheel wells( I know, should have done this before building!) and the landing gear which are just temporarily installed for the pics. And the weapons are coming along too.


Looking good there Jim. I like the subtle shading … gives it some nice definition


Very, very nice! :+1::paintbrush:


Looking phenomenal Jim! I’m not an airplane guy but I always check your thread. You do beautiful work and I love the A-10. Your pre-shading just makes the whole model shine.
Being a TOW platoon sergeant, I’ve had the need to call in the A-10’s services in the past, and hearing them screaming over your head (they sound like TIE fighters) is like the cavalry coming over the hill. Then watching them dip down and wreak utter devastation on a battalion of enemy armor is a spectacle I will never forget. It’s like unleashing hell on the bad guy. You almost feel sorry for him. Not.
Looking forward to more progress on this Jim, this is an outstanding project!


Thanks fellas, that’s very kind of y’all! Must have been pretty awesome to experience that @SSGToms.

Boring update, but big stage in build, gloss coat is on, Tamiya X-22 clear 1:1 mr levelling thinner and sprayed around 15psi. Ended up using just about a whole 10ml jar!

Oh and also masked and sprayed the black on the starboard wheel well tip, tricky shape that.

Decals after a couple of days drying…


Not boring at all mate … Just part of the process… It’s looking very good…


Hey Jim, glad to see your A-10 build is continuing! Can’t wait to see it done!!


Thanks chaps.

Decals are on. They are the kit ones and are actually very nice. Seem to have sat down pretty well with micro set and sol. Just need to paint the nose gun shroud black under the “mouth”.

It’s coming to life…!


Jim, that is just beautiful! I just got the Master Model gun, like you, and it is just a little jewel by itself, with the individual barrels, etc., don’tcha think? Have you tried fitting it to the model yet? I’ve found that it’s wider than the kit part, and will require a lot of reaming of the gun fairing to fit, which its kinda scary. Unless I’m missing something. My ceremonial bird has a hog mouth much like your; wondering how the fit and laydown of those big decals over significant curves went for you.

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Thanks Kurt. Actually I have the def models 3D printed gun, which is lovely and looks to be the same size as the kit one. The one you have looks even better, and the anniversary scheme will be great, I love invasion stripes too but have yet to do anything incorporating them.

The nose decals went on well, just a couple of minor creases which were down to me being too impatient and not letting the microsol do its thing for long enough. Fine for the naked eye but a macro lens and zoom show up all the imperfections! The checker decals on the tail tops worried me more, but they behaved pretty well too.

Some close ups with the black sprayed on the gun shroud.


Have sealed the decals with another layer of x22. Started the weathering with AK paneliner for grey and blue which I find acts as a nice filter when excess is blended into surface. Will work away at it over the next few days as there’s a lot of surface to cover!

Comparison photos, second still to receive the treatment.


Love how those panels are looking… Nicely done.


Thats really popping now


Jim, looking cooler and cooler with every little bit moving toward a completed airplane. You realize that the more you move forward, the more you are forcing me to get the lead out of my shorts to make me go complete mine, right?!?! :smirk: I don’t honestly know what is keeping me from finishing mine, other than I was waiting for a replacement GWH MiG-29 9-13 which arrived soon than expected; I’ve been working on that, but I’m so close on the A-10C that I really just need to get to it!

I keep hoping that the new GWH A-10C will show up at US hobby stores soon so I can get one of those; it shouldn’t be too much longer. And then I get to start another new A-10 from scratch! :yum:


Thanks John @Johnnych01 Anthony @Tojo72 and Curt @cabasner. I hope you get round to finishing yours Curt, it is actually a nice kit. I watched a YouTube inbox review of the GWH one and some details look nicer but others are better on the Academy kit I think. Will be interesting to have the two to compare.

So, all the panel lines done and the matt clear on. I found the Tamiya LP clear matt locally and thought I would give that a go. I think I really like it. Used 1:1 with mr color thinner, not the levelling one as I felt the matt would want to dry quicker. So far has handled some light handling after only 4 or 5 hours curing. Weapons, engine intake and exhaust and landing gear ready for mounting. Still have the seat to paint and the optics to sort out. Need to decide on clear yellow or orange for the tinting on the front of the cockpit glazing…

Enough words, here’s the pics!


Great work Jim… The paint is looking top notch… Very nice