Looks the business Olivier with its cam on. … Another first rate build and lovely clean cam application…
I agree with you, Bison, I found the kit to be very easy to put together. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the kit and its instructions. Besides the metal antennas, I didn’t add any other aftermarket items.
I used my airbrush for the tan and green camo, but used a regular brush to paint the white areas and green on the side skirts add-on armor.
I would also love to see more modern AFV kits being built here.
“Phoenix, AZ, it’s a Dry Heat!”!
Black Panther1|640x480
Looks excellent Olivier! Great job on the camo!
Really beautiful, love it!
Here is the result of my painting session for the black and sand lines. I used a brush as my AB was not cooperative at all and I don’t think I could have created appropriate masks as in some areas this would have proved a real pain.
I haven’t decided yet if I’ll use the so-called reflective lens provided by Academy for the vision blocks and various sights.
On super zoom those brush painted lines look very nice Olivier, a job well done. The overall finish with the painting looks terrific. Great work
That looks gorgeous Olivier. I really love the look of it.
Thank you all. I have started the weathering but had to put the project in stand-by with the arrival of the grand children for the Christmas holidays. When I can I’ll post more pictures.
I have just received my K2 kit. Still to order some a/m stuff to complete the christmas present but I am sure I will enjoy every second of the building process.
Waiting for those pics Olivier!
I managed to find some time for the weathering. I wanted to keep it light.
Tamas for sure you’ll enjoy the build.
Brilliant finish Olivier and the weathering looks perfect. Just the right balance … Lovely clean build and a job well done
Again Olivier, it looks terrific… What’s your method of doing the dirt area just along the bottom run of the side plates. It’s very realistic
Moved up yet a few more notches on by to build list. The blue tow cables add a nice touch of color.
I just use my airbrush with the model upside down. Doing so I don’t spray the skirts too high.
I first spray the lightest shade then I add the darkest one.
I got it from the Trackpad book about the K1 and K2 family.
Thanks Olivier, and once again well done on a fantastic build and finish.
Beautiful model, lovely bit of wheathering, very realistic!
Great job once again Olivier. The weathering really brings it to life.
Great job! That looks stellar and not many people seem to build the K2 “Black Panther” online.
Fantastic Olivier. Really well done.