Academy M981 FISTV WIP

Looking fantastic.


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Not just the pattern, but captures the faded CARC look quite well. Is that your own mix or are they standard “out of the bottle” colors?

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I used tamiya nato colors thinned with vms acrylic thinner…the nato green and nato brown were lightened with buff but the nato black was just thinned really heavily and built up bit by bit…the vms thinner works AMAZING with the tamiya paints btw…ZERO orange peel and a little goes a long way!

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It’s been a while but this is still moving along…work’s been hell so my bench time has suffered but I’m almost finished with this beast! I think I’m at a point where all that’s left is the tape for the miles strips and some stowage…let me know what you all think!


I think it came out pretty nice!

Good job! :saluting_face:

:beer: :cowboy_hat_face:

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Good tight build and excellent paint job. The weathering is very effective. Great model.

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Looks great. The paint and finish came out awesome. The only question I have are the bumper numbers. Usually, FISTVs were assigned to an FA Bn and task organize to the maneuver Bns, but have FA Bn bumper numbers. They are usually in the Headquarters and Headquarters Battery (HHS). You have it marked as part of 3-5 CAV, the 1 AR Div Cav Squadron.

1AR FA Bns include:

2-3 FA
4-27 FA
4-1 FA

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Beautiful finish Calvin, looks great!

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Gino what is that contraption mounted where the .50 cal usually goes?

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This is an M981A3 Fires Integration Support Team Vehicle (FISTV), an Artillery Observer’s vehicle. Up top is a targeting “hammerhead” that contains a G/VLLD (Ground / Vehicle Laser Locator Designator). They were converted from obsolete M901 ITV TOW vehicles that originally had two TOW missiles and their sight/guidance system in the “hammerhead”.

More info: M981 FISTV

M901 ITV. You can see the two holes for the TOW missiles and the different-shaped center opening for the sights on the M901 ITV.


Thanks Gino, I actually meant in this photo. Is it a grenade launcher?

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Hmm, no idea. Maybe some type of gunfire simulator since the M113 is in full miles gear.

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Oh and when did the FISTV get phased out? I’m sure my unit had them in ‘85-‘87 when I was in Germany. We definitely had the M901 ITVs in our Echo company.

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FISTVs were being replaced in the early 2000s. 3ID already had BFISTs during the invasion in '03, but 1ID (or 1 AR?) came in behind us and still had FISTVs.

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I’m a TOW Master Gunner. In my opinion, the Army should have mounted the M901 turret on the Bradley chassis so it could keep up with the M1A1. Fill the back with TOW rounds. The TOW has a 3 mile range and doesn’t need to be (and shouldn’t) be mounted on a vehicle - the Bradley - up front with the Infantry. Before the Bradley, the order of battle was always tanks - Infantry - TOWs. A TOW vehicle doesn’t need to carry grunts - it needs to use it’s inherent standoff range to reach out beyond the tank’s range and destroy enemy armor before they can fire on our tanks. Yes, the Bradley is an awesome platform, and the TOW launcher on it is a huge benefit, but a dedicated armored TOW vehicle would serve the Army and the Mechanized Infantry excellently.
I wound up commanding a Bradley platoon, so I have experience on both vehicles.

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Very interesting Matt, good point.

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Doesn’t the M3 version of the Bradley have a larger missile rack?
I’d be curious how the Emerson TOW turret would work on a Bradley hull. Those damned turrets had plenty of problems in my experience, mostly hydraulics.

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Hmm…in 5 years on the ITV, I never had a turret malfunction.

Yes. It has a larger TOW rack for more rounds and holds more 25mm ammo. It only has seats for two dismounted scouts in back. It is not specifically an AT vehicle but can be/is used as one.

I personally don’t think the Emerson turret would have been a good choice on the Bradley hull. The added gun and second turret crew station makes sense and makes the vehicle more survivable.


I just saw this-I have a couple photos the FISTV that was attached to the company I was supporting while in Bosnia back in 1996. I can still post them if your interested.