Aftermarket sets for the 1/196th Revell USS Constitution

I would like to know if there is any aftermarket sets for the Revel 1/196 USS Constitution? I would like to get any and all aftermarket set that are available!
If anyone can help it would be of great appreciation.
Thank you.

I thought the kit was 1/96th scale?


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Amazon has a set of wooden decks for the 1/196 kit –

There are actually two versions of the Revell USS Constitution, the magnificent 1/96 version and a smaller 1/196 version.

Don’t be fooled by my less than inspiring rendition of the latter; the 1/196 Constitution is actually a pretty nice kit!

There aren’t many upgrades available for this smaller kit, but the ScaleDecks wood deck replacement mentioned above by Sean is very nice and can be had for about US$40


They are Revell kits of the Constitution in two different versions. The smaller one is in 1/196 scale and represents the ship with the Andrew Jackson figurehead approximately 1830. The larger one represents the version as modified in approximately 1920-24. I know know of wooden decks for these kits and some AM mostly by companies like Wooden Decks.

thank you Bill. I have the 1/196th version.

Model Monkey after-market parts are EXCELLENT. I’ve purchased a number of items in both 350th and 96th scales (and have more on order). The customer service and quality of the product is superb!


Chris, in Victoria, BC, Canada

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I hope to offer 24-pounder cannons and 32-pounder carronades in 1/196 scale shortly.

Years ago, Revell also offered a Constitution kit in 1/146 scale, which is precisely halfway between 1/196 and 1/96.

The easiest way to identify the true 1/146 scale kit from the 1960s: that kit only has 5 waist gun deck gunports open on each side. The rest are molded closed.

It’s arrangement, detailing and decorations are very different from the small 1/196 scale kit. The 1/146 scale kit’s appearance is nearly identical to the large 1/96 scale kit. Think of it as the 1/96 scale kit’s smaller sister.

Below is the boxart for three releases of that kit. The original boxart is at bottom. It is a lovely painting.

Revell Constitution

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With sincere respect, the Revell 1/96 and 1/196 are in no way similar. The 1/96 model is based on the plans drawn on the ship following her 1924 refit in which major changes were made. The larger kit has opened gunports and full gunport doors that can be mounted in any position. There is no figurehead. The 1/196 kit depicts her in the 1830s, with the Andrew Jackson figurehead, and molded on carronades. There is no gundeck on the smaller kit, only little platforms on which to mount the main battery and molded-on opened half doors for the gunports.

There are many other differences between the kits. The 1/146 kit differs still. I cannot wait to see the after-market parts created by Model-Monkey!

I have used the Scale Decks 1/196 USS Constitution wood deck. It looks great! I recommend it highly!


Good news: 1/196 scale cannons and carronades are ready (click here).

Here’s how they look straight out of the printer. No cleaning, painting or any other prep has been done to them.


How much do they cost to order? They are not yet listed on your site. I have been building the 1/196 ship and have used the Scale Decks wood deck for this model, which looks great. The armament has been a real problem for continuing work. Your product is a godsend!


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Hi Bill,

Yes, they are listed on the site. Click the blue link in the post above.



I did click the blue link but only found the listings for the 1/96 kit.



Hi Bill,

I think you may be clicking the blue link from Tank_1812’s post. Click the link from my post (link start’s with “Good news…” or
click here.

Hope this helps and thanks for your perseverance!

My pleasure! And thank you for manufacturing such great products! I have several.


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Hi Chris, I completed this kit during 2024 and really wished that I would’ve gotten the wooden decks and after market things for it. It turned out okay but it really deserves to be “spruced” up. Since completing this kit, I’m working on the 1/120 Monogram USS Constitution and then it’s on to the big Revell 1/96 version! Good luck with this build.