AFV Club M16 engine mounting issue

Hi everyone,

I hope someone can help me. I am currently working on the AFV Club’s M16 MGMC U.S. Halftrack. I have the first few steps completed which are the transmission, transfer case, and engine as well as the first steps in building the chassis. Where I am having an issue is understanding how the engine assembly attaches to the chassis as the instructions are not very clear on this as well there are no mounting tabs that indicate where the engine and tranny should mount. Any assistance with some clarification would be helpful… thanks for taking the time to read and help.


Assembly X that attaches to the motor also attaches to locating nubs on either side of the chassis.

Thank you, the instructions show the X mount going further back from the two tabs based on the drawings. But it seemed to fit there so I went ahead and added the radiator to make sure the assembly fit into the slots. . Thanks for the clarification and help!!
