
Hi Guys,

Does anyone knows what happened to ?
I cannot open it anymore.

The odds of me clicking that link are less than zero.

Apparently, it is still out there but has a new address.

http ://afvdb.50 megs. com /index.html (remove spaces)

AFV Database

Sorry Gino,

Link doesn’t work for me.

Strange, it works fine for me. Goes here:

For info, Gino’s linked worked fine for me.

It is still unsecured at the server end.

Link works for me, using Microsoft Edge.

Are you sending any sensitive data to it that you don’t want falling into the wrong hands? Not that I can see how you would be, because it’s a simple, straight-up HTML site that’s ancient enough to have many tags in uppercase (not wrong as such, just unusual nowadays) and uses a lot of ways of doing things that have been deprecated for 20+ years, including in the HTML 4.01 specification that the page claims to follow, but clearly doesn’t.


<IMG SRC="/icon3.jpg">

<H1>Welcome to the American Fighting Vehicle Database<BR>
<FONT SIZE="5em"><I>Since 9 December 2000</I></FONT>
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Nonetheless, it is not as secure as my protocols like, and warnings proliferate each time I try to access it.