Here we get a look at the civilian offering from ICM of a AHN2 French Truck in 1/35th scale
This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at
Here we get a look at the civilian offering from ICM of a AHN2 French Truck in 1/35th scale
This kit has many dimensional, shape and detail problems. In particular the lower part of the doors should be tight to the fenders but they are moulded with an approx. 75 mm (scale) bodywork gap.
The fenders and wheels are also inaccurately formed. These issues have been discussed at ML in detail.
It’s a shame ICM hasn’t fixed these problems. Notice the lovely box-art has been posed to avoid these things.
best regards
John W.
I agree and it is a shame because it’s not that bad of a kit to build.