AK Interactive AJ43 | Armorama™

AK Interactive has two new AJ43 kits at 1/35

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://armorama.com/news/ak-interactive-aj43

I could see adding the pickup version to the stash since I ‘frequented’ N’Djamena, Chad, for a better part of a year (1987-1988). These little jewels were quite beat up and littered the airport (in various stages of ‘repair’ or cannibalization of parts). The ones I recall seeing never had any two vehicles alike…never coming close to having the same “camouflage” scheme, but that two-toned ‘dark gray spotting over grayish sand’, however, was common, if memory serves me right. On another note, captured Libyan BMP’s had similar camouflage…which makes me wonder who truly initiated the colors applied to any vehicles the Chadians utilized.