Ammo by Mig or AK 3rd Gen. Which and why?

Hello Everyone,
Not sure if this is in the right spot, but wanted to solicit users advice/wisdom. I am currently in the process of moving from Tamiya Acrylics, still have a bunch to use so it will be slow. I am currently experimenting with Ammo by Mig paints and find them pretty easy to use. This is the first paint I have primered for.
I was wondering and hoping to hear from those who use both/either Ammo by Mig and/or the AK 3rd Gen (new stuff) paints, varnishes and primers. How do you like them, how to use them. Pros/Cons? Are they the same?? I figured the best, and probably cheapest way, to learn is to listen to those who have real world experience with these products. I am grateful in advance for any and all help.

Best Wishes,

I have tried alternates to Tamiya without a lot of good experiences. I wish you the best.

I had a weird experience with AK 3G paints. They are really great for brush painting - better than Vallejos in that they thin down a lot without coming apart. The first time I airbrushed with them I thought they were fantastic. Came back to the same bottles a few months later and couldn’t get them to spray. I don’t understand this but I’ll just toss it out as a data point.

AK uses liquid pigments?

I haven’t used 3gen myself, but from the opinion of a friend, which I greatly respect, they spray fine using their own thinner -keeping in mind that they are acrylics and not as easy to use as Tamiya.

How are they not as easy to use?

Lacquers like Tamiya, Gunze or AK Real Color spray better because acrylic usually dry on the tip of the airbrush sooner or later, clogging it so it needs to be cleaned.

They work better with several thin passes, while as far as I know lacquers cover better.

In any case I admit I have little comparative experience, as I haven’t used lacquers for years and all my works are with acrylic paints (mostly Vallejo).

The AK Real Color line acts just like Tamiya,only a better color line.

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Hi Walter,
Like you I have been looking for alternatives to tamiya paints as well. I have a mix of mission models, ammo and ak 3rd gen as well as tamiya. I’m finding that the AK 3rd gen seem to work like tamiya as far as being a true across the board paint. I mean by this, they work really well with a brush as well as an airbrush. I do use their thinner when airbrushing. HTH


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This is good information for those who are looking to try other brands. I have on order AK real colors for British Khaki green #3 to try out. The thinner is very expensive it seems though…… I’ve seen $8-9 for 200ml.

Hello Everyone,
Thanks all who replied so far. Good information. I guess I get confused sometimes. AK makes both the Real Colors line (lacquer like Tamiya) paint and the AK 3rd Gen Acrylics (like Ammo). So I guess I am trying to focus on the Acrylic lines and not the Real Colors line. I guess comparing the real colors with even the AK 3rd gen would be like comparing apples to oranges. Similar but very different. Has anyone worked with the Ammo Lucky Varnishes? Any opinions?
Lastly, how does the AK 3rd Gen airbrush? I know that Ammo requires several passes to “build” the color up. Is AK similar, does it spray well? The Ammo I have tried does spray well. It must be shaken, mixed well though.
I look forward to more responses and more info to learn.


My experience with Ammo lucky varnishes has been absolutely negative, peeling off with water.

You can thin AK Real Colors with any good Lacquer thinner from the hardware store

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Unfortunately, due to health reasons and being in a small apartment. I have to transition away from Lacquers. So this is why I am looking at either Ammo or AK 3rd gen acrylics.

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Keep in mind also Vallejo Model Air, available at many shops. Using their Flow Improver works nicely.

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Same here.

I have moved away from enamels for the very same reasons. I have both AMMO and Vallejo Model Air. It took me a while to get used to acrylics, since as others have said acrylics tend to dry on the tip of the airbrush. To solve this issue I use Flow Improver - just add two or three drops and you’re good to go. Have been using these for the last few years and gave all my enamel tins to a friend of mine. For brush painting, there’s no better than Vallejo Model Color.

Hope this helps.


Funny how people keep bringing up AK Real Colors, when it’s obvious that’s not what BuddytheElf was asking about.
Having used all these paints, Tamiya, AK Real Color, Mig and AK 3rd gen, here’s my experience with both Mig and AK 3rd gen:
Both paints handle well when used properly. I always use the manufacturer’s own thinners and retarders, because it constitutes a very minor piece of your modelling budget, but may well prevent issues with paint mixing juju.
Having sa

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It wasn’t that funny,I was addressing Metalhead85’s remark about expensive thinner

Hello JayJHCruz!
Thanks for the reply. It seems your response was cut off. I would love to see the whole response. I have been trying the Mig paints and know that a primer is a MUST for these. They need something to “fix” too or they will/can come off easily. Have no experience with the AK 3rd. Gen. Not sure if they need a primer but I am starting to think they would being touted as a “true” acrylic. So thank you all for the responses and hope for more as I continue to learn on this journey to a new paint line.


Yes Anthony I have since bought kleen strip thinner from Home Depot as per Matt’s recommendation at $18 for a gallon. Can’t wait to try it out.