Has anyone used this stuff ?
How course is it ? I see they offer it in a couple different applications per scale size .
I have not used the Ammo-Mig Paste. I have attempted to use the AK anti slip, and the VMS anti slip products. With both I found the “glue” was not useable (i.e. useless). By the time one gets it spread evenly across a section, most of it has dried. I switched to Tamiya Flat Clear as an adhesive; works much better. The “sand” provided by AK and VMS are quite different from each other, and I feel they both are useful. That said, I’m leaning more to the VMS sand with flat clear as the glue. It seems more in scale for 1/35 armor.
My preferred method of applying anti-slip coating.
On real 1:1 M-60A1’s in Germany in 1070 we put sand on the front deck and painted over it. Also added a painted 2x4 between the headlight protectors for a foothold. Reversed tow hooks and there you go…up on the tank. We also painted them ourselves, using a 2 1/2 ton truck compressor unit and a spray gun. Ours were generally a tad darker with OD, mixed with black, white stars and markings and then company colored bore evacuators and turret numbers
B company 2/64 armor. Orange evacuator and turret numbers. 2 feet tall or so. Command tank was 2 (B co),6 (command element, 6 (commander’s tank). Real deal stuff right there
Later reduced to two letters. 66 and orange reflected B Company.
Hugh Mills