Ammo mig plasticator thin/thick vs modge podge

Saw a diorama builder using ammo migs plasticator thin on a cork board for a diorama before applying the asphalt effect from ammo mig. I was reading what the product does and it says it’s for porous working surfaces. My question is , doesn’t midge podge have the same effect or am i missing something?

Many of these “special diorama products” have much cheaper equivalents in the art dept! And maybe the guy you saw was being sponsored by Mig.
:smiley: :canada:


@Biggles50 honestly that was the conclusion i was beginning to come to that conclusion, i just wanted to see if anyone else had information on it.

I used thinned Modge Podge for doing tarp etc and also used it thinned to a slurry to smooth out a base for a diorama. There’s very mixes, I use the all purpose one, not the formula for paper mache.

I’ve never used Modge Podge as I stick (ha ha…pun) to products I am familiar with, but I imagine it is some kind of acrylic paste. I generally use store-brand acrylic modelling pastes - thick, thin, and liquid. For tarpaulins do you brush it onto a tissue like paper napkins, or similar? I’ve used liquid latex (a little stinky!) on paper napkins and gotten really realistic effects, but it takes several applications over a period of several days (drying time between coats). When painted, weathered, and folded/twisted/bent (and generally abused) it looks fantastic.
:smiley: :canada:

I use gesso from the artstore, it is cheaper and is what artists use for sealing porous surfaces before paint. I have tried it on foam, plaster and cork before applying terrain pastes etc :wink:

Many? Almost all. The ones that are not can be found in my brush cleaning bottle…

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I use modge podge to seal styrofoam before i use paper machete for a diorama. Definitely just going to stick with it until it fails me.

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Toilet paper soaked in thinned PVA is a great substitute … and cheap…

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@bwilt ill have to give this a try as well, thank you. What effects do you make with the soaked toilet paper?

I use it for groudwork, to seal the styrofoam, to create shapes, than add treebark as rock.

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@bwilt ill have to give that a try

So for tarps I thin it out and I prefer using blue disposable shop towels that I get from Costco vs tissue paper which I’ve had zero luck with. I like the shop towels because they have a subtle texture and I can really work with them when wet with zero worries. I fake crates out of balsa wood then can drape and shape to my hearts content. I’ll soak the paper w the Modge mix then roll and tie them off, once again you can shape them and they dry nicely. I do lay the wet ones out on wax paper so they don’t dry on a surface that the Modge might want to stick to. It’s cheap, comes in a large container and cleans up with water.

@MontanaHunter feels like I’ve been under using modge podge all along. This is some great stuff guys, now I’m getting some ideas for future dios!

Paper MACHETIE? Those are for the urban jungle, right?


And for fighting off paper tigers.