Just wondering has anyone built the Amusing hobby Abrams X and ran into any issues I hear the tracks are a nightmare which I plan to replace with one piece i believe are based on the Leopard 2 tracks with that being said has anyone put after market tracks on thier Abrams X?
A buddy built the kit over a weekend and said the tracks were no problem at all.
Instructions here:
I’m the buddy that Dan mentioned above who built the kit recently and am just beginning its painting. I really enjoyed the build and did not find the tracks to be an issue. However, I find building tracks kind of therapeutic, so let me give you a little more background to see if my perspective is out of sync with yours.
Each side takes about 80 links and each link requires three pieces. For each link there is a lower pad, an upper pad with the guide tooth and a pair of end connectors with associated track pins that get sandwiched between them. A jig is provided so you can make six links at a time. You only need to assemble enough of the tracks to cover the lower part of the run as the side skirts hide the top portions. However, I did the full run and I spent about 10 hours building the complete runs for the two tracks.
I cleaned up the attachment points for each pad and was careful that I didn’t apply too much liquid glue to the tiny recesses on the bottom pad, and they ended up going together really well. The pair of end connectors and track pins are very delicate and I ended up breaking several removing them from the sprues and cleaning them up. However, Amusing Hobby gives you extras, so I didn’t run short.
Let me know if you have any questions! I recommend the kit if you like modern armor.
i got 2 of them on it way and one of the 2 is a commission build for a friend of mine and wanting to speed up the building thats why i was wondering about if anyone was using aftermarket tracks that i could cross reference to 1 piece tracks
Looking at the instructions of the Abramas X and the parts breakdown it appears to me there is a chance that there may be some parts interchangeability with aRFM M1A1/A2 kit so that being said after i build one out of the box i may do a hypothetical M1A3 more details to com on that
Dear all, putting this thread to life again. Inspired by @TankNut and Coldemonspl I´m building the Amusing Hobby’s Abrams X now as a “What If US Army Europe 2037” in an interpretation of the four tone TALON pattern in splinter version. Really enjoyed the build so far. However, I just can´t do the tracks with 243 pieces, and sometimes a little bit of a poor fit (from one of the sprues). Can anyone give me some advice on an aftermarket product or if I can use tracks from another vehicle such as the Leopard (Diehl) as @tanknick22 suggests? Thanks in advance! /Fred
Any set of Abrams T158 tracks will do. For an easier set of indi-links, I suggest the AFV Club ones. They are one-piece tracks with individual end connectors. They go together easy.
Super looking camo scheme!
Thanks @Karl187 ! I made some minor adjustments to the pattern yesterday to make it more “integrated” between the hull and the turret. Part of the hull is still gloss so it needs to be toned down a bit.
Thanks @HeavyArty , I will find that track kit. Just can’t do the 240ish pieces per track in the kit…
Your finishes are starting to make your model look great.