An old 5th wheel tractor in 1/25th scale ~

Here is a model of a White Super Power 5th wheel tractor in 1/25th scale, 3D printed ~


@Ferrari166 , another fine build! the printing process is something else, it looks to be flawless. Did you print this, or did someone send you the parts? What are you planning for next?


I bought the kit from a very good company, the kit was very easy to put together, well engineered and manufactured ( I bought to more for the future )


Looks amazing, nice work. Could you please advise if this kit has an engine, and who is the company that makes it?

Hi Paul, yes it comes with an engine etc. White WB Tractor Short Chassis Complete kit with Engine | Scale Collectibles


I have built other model kits sold by Scale Collectibles, he sells a Great D7 kit in several scales:


First a thank you for posting the truck, almost too good to be true in my book, with engine no less! More of these, please. Second - sorry for the delay in responding, work got in the way and somehow lost then found this.

As for tractors, kits are so welcome. But pining for scraper a kit, Allis-Chalmers, Euclid. Complex to kit and probably not mass sellers, still hopeful.

But hoping more truck tractor kits come, 40s and 50s!

Thanks for the heads up on this.

Beautiful White. Very well done. I’ve been wondering where to get one of those. Unfortunately, the price is a little prohibitive.
