Olive drab. That’s the only hint he has given, which narrows it down somewhat. Maybe another Sherman iteration, a la Firefly? Or something more esoteric like a Cromwell. Were M60 tanks ever OD?
I would go with a M4A3 76(w) with VVSS suspension.
Maybe a B 17 - LOL
I agree some version of the A3. Myself would prefer a 75. Really a A2 but I am sure that is down the road. I could go for a few scaled up M29C’s also.
I wonder when/if they will sell the wheels and tracks as separate sets. Seems like that would be a cheap and easy sells. Some generic box and box art. Everything else is basically created. Add the instructions on the back of the box for the tracks and print money.
I think selling the wheels and tracks as separate items is a no brainer, I’m pretty sure they would be popular for those wanting to mix and match.
Something Sherman related is almost a dead certain for the next release I would say but Andy may yet surprise us all.
Hey how about a Centurion ??
A jeep and trailer right?
I like that idea, Nikos. either that or a British VC Firefly.
Not that crazy…
I’d love to see a Panther Ausf A. like these that’s affordable.
Early “slicks” were OD, some of the early A1s as well, before all the crazy camo combinations of the 1970s (DUALTEX, MASSTER, MERDC)
Panther M10
Since their last releases were m10s, why not an M36B1 or an M7 Priest?
Yes, the M60, M60A1, and M60A2 were all originally built in OD. At least until the MASSTER & MERDC schemes came along.