Another Special Hobby 1/72 Bf-109E

@BlackWidow Check below, there is a group photo of the “Evil Quintet” :slight_smile:

I wouldn’t say these kits are complicated but there is a fair bit of parts and a thing or two to be learnt for every build. It gets a bit easier and a bit better with each!

I’ll do something else now but I’m sure I’ll be back with more or these. I’m sure there will be a Galland-boxing (the telescopic sight he used in at least one of his machines can be found among the clear parts…) and I would like to do a more typical North Africa machine than this one, I would like one where the blue goes up on the fuselage sides. Also, even if I’m happy with this one, painting can be improved further.

I was fairly happy with the salt weathering, I especially like the effect on the prop blades (I have always had trouble weathering props) and I’m disgustingly happy with the very thin antenna wire (not really rocket science but I like it anyway :slight_smile: ). There are some painting mistakes (some of which I didn’t see until it was too late and some that I elected not to see…) and I managed to break the tailwheel on this one as well before it was finished so there is room for further improvement :slight_smile: !

Finally, the Evil Quintet. They do look menacing, don’t they?

As promised, the Legion Condor-machine got a new canopy. The Rob Taurus canopy was every bit as nice, if not even better, than the nowadays sadly rather hard-to-get Falcon sets. Highly recommended!

And with this, another 109 has been added to the collection…

