Armada - Abyssal Dwarf

A quick diversion from my other games for this dive into the waters of Armada by Mantic Games a fantasy naval game.
The ships are all resin multipart kits of varying parts count but none consisting more than 10 and all come with an MDF base. The ships pictured are what I’ve built and painted so far with another couple still to be completed.
I still need to add waves to the bases.

The Abyssal Dwarves are an evil version of the more common Dwarves known in fantasy but share a common knowledge of engines although in the case of the Abyssal Dwarves they are ‘Helforged’.

The large ship can be fielded as two variants one with the flame hell portal or the tower, this is interchangeable after completion as can be seen in the photos.


you’ve really gone to town with that paint job!