Australian M1A1 from Meng AIM kit

G’day all
I know it has been posted before (either here or the old site), the list of what’s required if using Meng’s M1A1 AIM for an Australian Abrams, but can’t locate it for the life of me.
Does anyone have the list I’m thinking of?



Here is a list of changes/parts to use that was posted here a while ago, by someone, but I forget who.

The kit TS-032 provides all the options needed to make four versions of the Abrams main battle tank. Choosing the right options allows the kit to have all the items fitted to Australian Abrams.

Build the kit as per instructions stages 1 to 7 inclusive. Stage 4 - minor change - omit part A20 both sides and remove square plate with 4 bolts.

Stage 8 use option ABC (part D21+C62) for the drivers hatch

Stage 9-10 as per instructions but choose part D1 for the infantry telephone

Stage 11-12 as per instructions

Stage13 choose parts C1 and C56 for the front mudguard parts

Stage 14 – snorkels – not generally seen on Australian Abrams

Stage 15-16 as per instructions

Stage 17 choose the ABC option for the Australian Abrams

Stage 18 choose option D for the explosive ammunition panels (parts L4+S1+L5)

Stage 19 choose part A40+A41 for the antennae mounting units and parts D45 and D7.

Stage 20 choose part L9+S13 for the forward round cover and D27 for the wind sensor

Stage 21 choose option ABC

Stage 22 choose option D for the loaders hatch

Stage 23 as per instructions

Stage 24 use parts C45+C46+L23 but add the smoke dischargers (Stage 25) before adding the rails

Stage 25 use option D for smoke dischargers

Stage 26 use option C for the commander’s sight cover (D10) and parts L10+L14 for the Blue force tracker

Stage 27 as per instructions

Stage 28 use option ABC for the loaders ring

Stage 29 Skip

Stage 30 as per instructions using option CD not AB - all other parts OK

Stage 31 use option AB for loaders machine gun but no additional armor shields

Stage 32 shows loaders machine gun option AB & commander’s machine gun option CD

Stage 32 do not include anti IED (S18+S4+S8+S16) and use Australian pattern water jerrycans


Thanks Gino

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