Did some more figure painting:
Without flash:
With flash:
Overdid the beard. Tried to paint a shaved beard shadow, but added to much glaze and ended with a stubble beard. Well, so we have now an unshaved front officer.
- dutik
Did some more figure painting:
Without flash:
With flash:
Overdid the beard. Tried to paint a shaved beard shadow, but added to much glaze and ended with a stubble beard. Well, so we have now an unshaved front officer.
I should look for my light tent to shoot some better pics without the nasty shadows. Maybe some close-ups too. All in all I am satisfied with the result of this project. Building the mortar was a breeze, painting it a bit of a challenge, because I’ve never before wheatered a brown model (and this is also something you find not a lot of how-tows for), building and painting the base pure joy and I am in the tracks now for painting figures. Well, I am now in need for a nice placard. Black with silver lettering. Maybe I will add some pioneer tools to the corner of the pit to add a bit of interest…
Was it worth the efforts? You bet!
Dutik that’s a work of art. I’ve quite enjoyed following this build. Very much looking forward to your next project.