Avia S-199 "Mezek", Eduard 1/72

Things took a great leap forward when I finally got around to these full time!

Even though there is quite a lot of parts, they are a joy to build.

A minimum of putty around the fin leading edge, below the nose and where the wing meets the fuselage on the lower surfaces. Not bad!

The panel line along the fuselage (both top and bottom) should be there, the 109 was built in halves creating a natural joint there. I have usually glued and filled (if needed) and then ended up with a rather delicate and difficult scribing operation.

I picked up this trick from somewhere not too long ago: chamfer the edges of the fuselage halves, work carefully and only a minimal chamfer! After gluing the halves together you will hopefully end up with a perfect line without any of the hassle!

And finally a logistics mistake from Eduard when it comes to the kits in the dual combo boxing:

There is only one short tailwheel for the two kits, this is used by the markings A B C D E F H J K L.
The two long ones are used by alternative G and I…

This limits the combination possibilities rather severely, I opted for looking the other way and building marking variant “D” with an incorrect long tail wheel while “L” get the correct short one, I doubt anyone will notice :slight_smile: !

