B-24H Liberator Test Build | AeroScale

On this Weekends Workbench blog Airfix has shown the first images of the test build of the 1:72 scale Consolidated B-24H Liberator

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at https://aeroscale.net/news/b-24h-liberator-test-build

Very nice rivet detail for 1/72. As I’ve said in many posts recently, Airfix is really stepping up their game - certainly not the same company they were even ten years ago, Overall a very nice kit.
My only question is the builder’s choice of bomb color - nitpicky I know. The new plane didn’t arrive to its station with its crew until January 30, 1944. Presumably their first mission was after that date.
The cut off date for yellow bombs with black stenciling was March, 1942. After that date they were OD.
Could many older bombs still have been in the inventory after over 2 1/2 years? :thinking:
Usually the opposite mistake is made - artillery rounds on a model representing a period prior to March of 1942 painted OD.
The build is not impossible, but it gives food for thought. No instructions for the kit posted on Scalemates as of today, so I don’t know if the color call outs are in the instructions or not.

Really looking forward to this one. The kits supplied markings look great, but I do have decals for Jimmy Stewart’s B-24H in my decal stash. So, will probably get a couple.
I’m hoping they’ll follow it up with a couple of other variants.

The wing profile looks good. I will wait for the D version thou.