Backdating the REVELL 1/48 B-1B to the earlier 'A' version

Hi !

Using the REVELL ROCKWELL B-1B 1/48 kit , I back dated it to the B-1A version in late 80’ ,with the time the white paint got yellow and decided it was time to gave it a little love , using more pic available on the net on this version I upgrade it and repainted it !.. So here it is …First you have it in is original white yellowish and the upgrade version !

If you like to view more and the WIP of the upgrade , I have made an GOOGLE page for this project , here the link:




(DEC 01st ) … Today , I sanded the work done last time and continue to repair the front fuselage section !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE GEAR ,LEFT STABILIZER + CREW LADDER parts … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.




One of my favourite aircraft… beautiful graceful lines… Will be watching this one :+1:

1 Like

Glad to see you like it …Hope youl’le enjoy the WIP …

Nice start. It will be interesting to see you tackle some key elements on the early Bone. I will follow along.

TTTTTTTThank you , more to come shortly !

1 Like

Here is the update on the ongoing B-1A HYBRID …Youl’le notice there is only one image available you can view more of the update picture of the projects on the Google link !

(DEC 20th ) … Today , I sanded the work done last time , repair the damage leading edge and start to cut out panel under the capsule bay !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + NOSE GEAR ,LEFT TAIL STABILIZER + CREW LADDER parts … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.



1 Like

(FEB 06th ) … Today , I continue cutting some more access panels but had a mist app that will need some attention later on !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + NOSE GEAR ,LEFT TAIL STABILIZER + CREW LADDER parts … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.



Here is the update on the ongoing B-1A HYBRID …Youl’le notice there is only one image available you can view more of the update picture of the projects on the Google link !

(APR 23th ) … Today , I continue the work in the side access panels and remove the wings !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + LEFT TAIL STABILIZER … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.



Looking good. I wish I could help you with the parts but good luck. Hope some here or on ARC will help you out. What are you using for reference as there is a lot of detail being added. The only book I know of is Daco B-1B but I don’t think it has anything on the early jets.

HI !
Glad you like the project … I 'm using the AEROFAX / DETAIL IN SCALE / various issue of KOKKUFAN ,AIR POWER / AIR COMBAT magazine , also the AERO BOOK on the B-1 … all those as lots of image of the early A versions , I also cruise the net on a weekly base to find new images , youl,le be surprise what you can find on the net but it chew up lots of time !
Hope too !


Here is the update on the ongoing B-1A HYBRID …Youl’le notice there is only one image available you can view more of the update picture of the projects on the Google link !

(MAY 22ndh ) … Today , I continue the work in the side access panels !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + LEFT TAIL STABILIZER … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.



Here is the update on the ongoing B-1A HYBRID …Youl’le notice there is only one image available you can view more of the update picture of the projects on the Google link !

(JUL 09th ) … Today , I continue the work on the side access panels and sanded the both leading edge !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + LEFT TAIL STABILIZER … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.



Here is the update on the ongoing B-1A HYBRID …Youl’le notice there is only one image available you can view more of the update picture of the projects on the Google link !

(AUG 01st ) … Today , I cut-up the fuselage in half !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + LEFT TAIL STABILIZER … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.


1 Like

That “primed” Bone looks fenomenal!!!


Yes, love the primer finished B-1. I need to view the photo in my computer instead of the iPhone to fully see the paint work detail, but nonetheless, it looks awesome.

GGGGGGGGGGood ideal !.. Do not hesitate if I can be any help !

Here is the update on the ongoing B-1A HYBRID …Youl’le notice there is only one image available you can view more of the update picture of the projects on the Google link !

(SEPT 24th ) … Today , I start working on the opennings one both sides and done a little repair to the top section !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + LEFT TAIL STABILIZER … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.


Here is the update on the ongoing B-1A HYBRID …Youl’le notice there is only one image available you can view more of the update picture of the projects on the Google link !

(OCT 30th ) … Today , I remove the 2 bomb bays and painted the access and started the inner details !

If you like to help out on this projet I need these … :

from the REVELL 1/48 B-1 LANCER stenciling for the WHITE prototype aircraft, this was on the decal sheet of the first edition of the B-1 kit… I’m also seeking the NOSE WINGLETS + LEFT TAIL STABILIZER … used parts are welcome as long they are useable !

A big thank you for helping out , without your help I won’t be able to do a good job on the project !..

…If you like to view more WIP of this project and 2 other 1/48 B-1 bombers ,This is ‘PHASE 2’ by the way follow this Google link

Enjoy and it’s an ‘rendez-vous’ next week for more on this particular project…!.
