Inner shoulder ballasting done…
I think we are close to being on the same page as to choice of ballast colors.
As always; it’s your railroad, its’ my railroad and artistic license always rules (on our own RR.)
Nicely atmospheric weathering…that ramp is spectacular
Thank You
An old railroad flatcar repurposed.
My ballasting brush is starting to do double duty…
I wouldn’t have thought about this except watching Breaking Bad again I noticed some tall dry grass
Added more talus on the left side of the scrapyard…still have to paint this
Assembled a scrap pile from surplus kit parts…gave it a coat of spray paint…who says you can’t spray paint outside when it’s -5*C…?
At least the major work is done…
Scrapyard starting to get busy…
Need to weather scrap and loader…as well a smaller pile and a few pieces here and there…
And find/make some fence for along the track…
I have hopes for a 6-8 foot tall rustic wood plank fence with some advertisements plastered all over???
Think I am going to go thru my Evergreen styrene to see if I have something suitable
Very nice! …
Very nice ~ love it!
Thanks….basecoat of Tamiya Rubber Black with dapple coat of cheap craft paints…Golden Brown, Khaki and Coffee Latte…followed by a wash of Tamiya Brown Panel Liner…then a subsequent wash of very dirty Humbrol Thinner
Conduit painted…
note black Evergreen styrene angle stock bracing the interior to resolve nasty warp…
I am not going to tell you about my pet peeve when it comes to brick structures
Tell me…I need to know
My main goal here is to finish it as it has been partially complete for a couple years…original colour I painted it a Tamiya Field Blue mix…park Green mix windows…I wasn’t exactly happy with that, so I popped out the windows and went with a colour idea I saw on YouTube…screenshot below
You don’t want to know
I’ll tell you since I’m a cold hearted bastard …
Nearly all the companies that produce brick walls in plastic seem to have grown up with LEGO bricks.
Compare the brick structure of your building with these photos of real walls:
Now read this page carefully:
or this
You could also ask Google about brick bond
Both images above look like an English bond (not James …)
This seems to be a Flemish bond (not Ian Fleming)
A wall that is a single brick thick (i.e. thick as a brick) can’t carry structural loads.
It can be used to cover a wall where some other construction carries the load.
Bricks for this purpose are usually thinner. Sometimes they can get laid in
patterns resembling some of the “real” brick bonds but this costs extra since the
bricklayer needs to cut bricks to be able to lay headers and the narrow facade bricks
would look really silly if used as headers.
I don’t thick there are any “true to prototype” model brick walls on the market.
Edit: should be ‘can’t carry major structural loads’
See Colders post below.
Thanks Robin,
Quite the primer…
I must confess, I worked as a labourer for masonry company as a summer job 40 plus years ago…lifted a lot of bricks and mixed a lot of mortar
Injection molded brick walls do tend to be very regular. I think they’ve taken to heart the idea that errors in individual brick alignment “disappears” in the tapestry. There are some sheet goods available that have more realistic patterns.
I’m not sure that it’s significant in the modelling world but single brick width walls (single wythe walls) are regularly used as a structural/load bearing components. The drawing you posted is a veneer wall composed of queen closers, brick slices or whatever and as you noted serves no structural function. I only mention this as I recently completed a repair of a single wythe interior wall that the happy handyman home renovator had tried to modify believing it to purely decorative. It was structural and a very expensive repair.