Impressive ~ such a long, tall, flat, unreinforced single course brick wall.
(I would certainly hope for a heavier stone foundation base to that wall, built up to perhaps the 4 or 5 foot level to protect against a tractor accidentally backing into it or a big warm blood plow horse doing a hind kick.)
Hey Dave ~ You might want to check out an article I posted a week ago showing a Kalmbach “Kit-Bash” Book that talked of knitting two bakery kits together to form one big industry building.
Between your work here and this article it really has me Jones’n to find a couple of old Bakery kits and grab my model saw and hobby glue!
This is lifted from a post I did just yesterday extolling the visual benefits of painting you track rail in order to make the rails look smaller. (All Gauges/Scales/Codes)
But it works here as well to illustrate my chosen degree of ballast color and darkened weathering.
A small section of Code 100 painted brass HO display track I did maybe 30-40 years ago:
I do know that Creosote RR ties are almost jet black and not red/brown but I really like the slight added color accent. (Modeler’s artistic license I suppose!)
Now a days before laying the track I just spray it all with Tamiya Red Oxide Primer (spray can) and then apply a blotchy, brushed on Black wash to everything and then finally hit it with some Matte Clear from a spray can, sprayed on very “dry” to create a microscopically rough surface that scatters the light and makes everything even less reflective.
This is done all quick and dirty ~ emphasis on the dirty.
Finally burnishing the tops of the rails with my abrasive track cleaning pad.
I started cleaning the paint off the rail tops in the yard with some 90% isopropyl alcohol on an old T-shirt stretched over a wood block…weeks after I painted them…
Came off no probs…tho I have not finished this job yet…still have 3 tracks left to do…
The main lines I did right away…
Craft paint base with overcoat of blobs of 3 colours of craft paint stippled and blended with a 1 inch paintbrush…grey, white and black…
(A little black goes a long way)
Overspray of Tamiya White and Deck Tan mix
Heavy coats of FUTURE flooded over the concrete…
I have some AMMO concrete pigment I may try dry brushing over this…at any rate it needs some weathering…and a flat clear coat…
I have Mid East Dust pigment and a bunch of others that may work…