Banana Tanks 3D Printed PLA Air Defense Build

Hey folks, thought I’d provide a review of sorts for the PLA SPG the “PGZ 09”

I’ll layout the Build in progress in subsequent posts but bottom line- a fantastic addition to the collection, I had no real idea of what I was getting into and this certainly exceeded expectations.


OK, starting off- I ordered this model on December 2nd and it arrived on the 21st of December.

The model price ended up being $83.69 with a base price of $72.50 and $4.99 shipping ot the USA and $6.20 in taxes.

All in all, a fantastic price for me for a model that is not otherwise available.

The box as it arrived here.

Very well and carefully packed product

“As advertised” you get exactly what is depicted in their threads.


Wow, I have been looking for some good 1/35 PLA air defense kits forever. What a niche lineup this company has managed to produce in the past 6 months.

To save other interested folks the trouble, the posts referred to are in the Vendor section. Here’s the PGZ-09 one:

Will be following the build with interest - such detail and only a dozen or so parts!

WOW! It’s great to be able to see your unboxing and build process, and we’re very much looking forward to the completion of your work!
We’re also very happy to have it as part of your collection!
We hope that we will be able to bring our customers many more models that you will enjoy in the future. :smile:

Mine arrived today in similar packaging and good condition. The detail is pretty impressive for large complex 3d printed shapes. This will be my 1st all 3d printed model, and of a subject that only a few in the US will have in 35th scale. Looking forward to a quick build and some fun painting - I may even attempt one of the digital camo schemes I’ve seen the PLA sporting…

I’m curious: What taxes? Chinese sales tax?


taxes as custom taxes or VAT…

We will get some updates here in about a week- I’m juggling an AFT9, WZ701 and ZTD4 as well…