Looking towards a future project, I’m looking at 1/32 scale kits. I wanted the latest mods (block 70?) but also in US/ANG use. Is it best to stick with the Tamiya kit, and just update to current stds, or, would something like the AFV F-16AM be closer to the mark? Basically just want the most up to date block in US/ANG service, which is confusing, because new orders are C-models, block 70, but I assume older A model a/c blocks are being updated to this std? Especially the birds you see re-furb’d in the new Have Glass finish. Any help on mods and what ANG sqdn’s they’re in greatly appreciated.
The AFV Club Kit is just the Academy kit with some resin bits (an A parapack tail, TERs and Mk82 slicks). Not really worth the price and only makes a Block 20. Might as well just get the Academy kit for a lot cheaper.
I would say stick with Tamiya F-16C as it is the best F-16 hands down.
Thanks guys, yeah that is what it looks like from reviews. Tamiya it is, with some mods I’m guessing. The kicker is finding out what a particular ANG sqn is running, preferably with the Have Glass finish, and then getting the after-markets bits to up-date it. I think the newer block 70 mods have some great updates and so that’s what I’m hoping to build. I’d really like to get the updated center console screen, and the new Martin-Baker US18E in the cockpit.