Best kit to model an F-15A


I’m looking for the best kit that I could build to represent the F-15A. My brother was one of the first crewchiefs (TAC 1)on the F-15s when they were first deployed at Luke AFB in 1974. I want build one in the blue paint scheme. I was thinking the GWH F-15 B/D might get me close. Thoughts?

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Hasegawa has an F15A in their catalog. It may be out of production but you most likely can find it on ebay

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Thanks, I’m hoping to find something of better molding quality with recessed panel lines. I built tgat kit when it came out in the 70s.

Nice KTM by the way. I have a KTM 790S.

I havent built a GWH F-15,but I will vouch for their great kits Mig-29 and F-4 were outstanding for me

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I was thinking of the GWH F-15B as well. I have to research the differences between that and ab A model F-15

Tamiya also made an F-15A from back in 80’s,its available too on ebsy,not sure if its up to modern standards,but worth researching.

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Thanks, I’ll look at it. I think it has recessed panel lines.

The GWH is a great kit, but it is an F-15B which means it’s a two seater and the A would be a single seater.

Michael :stuck_out_tongue:

The B is a twin seat version of the A. When the B first came out it was called the TF-15A, before they decided to change the nomenclature to F-15B.

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I know, thanks. Looking for the subtle differences.

Well the earliest production blocks used the Escapac IG-7 seat instead of the later ACES II seat used on the later production blocks.

Looking at my F-15 Detail & Scale book and Walkaround book, they say that the A & B are virtually identical. The internal ECM boxes behind the pilot in the A are removed to make room for the rear cockpit, so an ECM pod is carried when needed by the B

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Thanks, sounds right. I’ll pick up the book. Thanks again

My horse, somewhere in France :slight_smile:

I love the 1290s. Too big for my wallet though.

Its an 1190, and i bought it in 2014… but it was a 2013 model still at the dealers, hence I got it a bit on the cheap side (still expensive enough i admint). I now regret that i did not buy the top case as well, but an extra 600 euro at the time was pushing it too far.

You see, we all have the same little problems :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

and besides: my previous motorcycle “only” had 100 horsepower. This one has 150 and a heap of electronics to make sure that no-one can ever use all that power (and kill themselves) under real life conditions :slight_smile:

Your 790 looks like a perfect machine to me

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Haha! Good points on that. 790 does great for me.