Border Model AEV Kodiak | Armorama™

Border is working on a 1/35 Kodiak. No more information for the moment.

This is partial text from the full article (usually with photos) at

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As used by Sweden!


The kit I didn’t know I needed in my life. :+1:

That’s a seriously cool AFV!

Have to agree with @Tank_1812 Ryan 100%

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Ingenörsbandvagn 120 can carry the Pearson mine plow as on Breacher ABV. Very tempting!

Currently writing to the Canadian DoD procurement group to pick some of these up so I can make a model of this in a legit CAF scheme

So I’ll be needing two kits …

Here, here!

More pics of the IngBv with and without the plow will be helpful. I think the various usernations (Germany, Switzerland, the Nederlands and Sweden) will have differences in detail.

After pics of the Swedish version here some of the other user nations.
Nederlands Arrmy with gripper bucket and Kongsberg Protector RWS

Swiss Army with Bergepanzer Büffel cupola

Bundeswehr vehicles will have to be tested. No fielding before 2023.

@Hermann, those first two look to have been up-armoured, too. The panels on the side, to the front.