So far I have only used the Tamiya NATO colors. Here is a Dragon 1/35 USMC M1A1HA painted last summer with the Tamiya colors. Still a lot more to do to finish it.
I can only paint outside so not sure when I will be able to paint again. With winter here and in my region, we have long winters so I probably can’t get to paint anything until maybe late April or early May. It is usually around May that I can start to actually paint outside.
I got the Mission Models NATO green to see if it varies from the Tamiya but haven’t gotten to use it yet. I have a few different Strykers and a Leopard C2 Mexas to do in overall green and that Challenger 2 enhanced armour kit as well. I am still learning about the different types of paint. I see some are CARC and not sure if some are CARC green or NATO green. Still trying to find out the differences if there are any.
The Takom C2 Mexas is already primed, just waiting to get back outside to paint the NATO green. Yes, I know the Meng is better but I already had the Takom kit.