BSG Reboot Battlestar Pegasus

My 3D print of the BSG Reboot Pegasus. It’s not quite as detailed as the Moebious Model. This version is printed at 23" so it’s pretty big.

I obtained the FREE STL files from thingverse. I’ve finished the base coat with Vallejo MA Gunmetal and am making some masks to paint the various matte grey panel lines. Also adding some custom guns and small tiny Vipers.

The BattleScale Collectica Show


where are all the BSG peeps??
The BattleScale Collectica Show

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I’m a BSG junkie from the original show on. Fantastic model! I’d love to have one, but no 3D printer. I still have my original 12" Galactica model in a box somewhere downstairs, built when I was 13 or so.

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unfortunately all my poorly made models from being a kid were all ruined by siblings or in the process of moving over the years. I’ve got that old Monogram Galactica kit too :slight_smile:
The BattleScale Collectica Show

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