Zimm looks good,enjoying the build.
I finished up the Zimmerit install today, one thing to note if you are using the Zimmerit on the Engine Deck, be Shure to install the side vents along with their screens before installing the zimmerit.
Of note I don’t think it really matters if you do the Engine Deck Zimmerit before the Upper Hull back wall, You will still have to trim somewhere.
The Zimmerit is finished and the Gun Installed.
Next to join the Upper and Lower Hulls.
An amazing build thus far Donald,
G, .
Ciao Donald,
Deliberately or accidentaly are tracks in reverse mode?
This is a mistake, my brain reverses things once in a while. A note though, they sometimes reversed the Track on vehicles to be used in ambush situations giving a little help in backing out and running.
This is easily corrected.
Thank You.
I have corrected the Track direction.
Thanks again for pointing my mistake, I try, I really do try
Donald, always great to follow your builds. I don’t know much about German armor, didn’t notice that the tracks were backwards, nice recovery. I appreciate your building hints & tips ….thxs.
I have the Fenders assembled , They are slightly different from the original Stug. Kit. The trouble is, they don’t fit as well . I just got them on and man was it a Bear. Especially with the Zimmerit involved.
I have a lot of touch up to do then it’s on to the weathering.
The Mufflers and Deflector are installed.
I was wrong about installing the Screen before the mufflers, I found out that the mufflers should be installed first.
Still working on it.
Excellent build and paint Donald! I love to watch your big scale builds. Your insights and tips are valuable to others and useful to all as basic modeling skills. Your results are always outstanding. Superb model!
Excellent work as usual
Thankyou I do try.
I’m starting the 1/16th. Puma, I’ll have some pics. on a new build once I manage to get something done.