Does anybody know what the base is for this BGS vehicle?
I don’t believe this vehicle is based on anything; it is a specifically built vehicle the TM-170 also known as Sonderwagen 4. It does however utilise MB Unimog components.
Paul, my dear father was 35 years in the Bundesgrenzschutz (BGS) and this is the so called Sonderwagen 4 (SW 4). It’s based on the Unimog chassis. During my fathers days they had SW1 and SW 2, which was licence built by Thyssen. The BGS does not exist anymore. It’s now a part of the Bundespolizei (BP). Maybe this link helps you a bit (sorry, only in german).
Thanks for the answers. I took the picture at a display at the Dutch base at Seedorf in the summer of 1989. Very interesting to be stationed in Germany when the wall came down.
Hi Paul,
as you mentioned, you took the picture at Seedorf in 1989, had you been with 2nd Armored Division (Forward) at Garlstedt?
Yes. HHC 3/66 AR '88-89. I miss it.