I found this picture, caption. “3-64 Armor M1A1’s Platoon at Hohenfels. Photo taken circa 1987”.
As the image is a little blurred: would these tanks still have been painted in plain FS34079 ? Or allready in NATO three tone camo ? On a first glance they look solid green, but the longer you look at the picture, the more brown and black shades could be there …
Early M1s were medium green overall, some units applied camo patterns, according to their SOP (Standard Operating Procedures).
When the M1A1 went online, they came off the factory with the standard 3 Color NATO pattern, which was adopted in 1984, but it took years for all vehicle to be repainted from MERDC
You can see the black patches on the turret face of the second tank in the photo. Plus the overall colour of the tanks is very close to the colour of the ground so my guess is they’re just dirty.
After return from the OP Desert Storm most M1A1s where re-painted to overall Green and a few even remained their Tan color.
Since the majority of M1 tanks did not return to Germany after the conflict you would find the remainder sporting an overall Green camo for a few months until repainted back to the 3-Tone camo.
The TANK MAGAZINE special issue Oct.92, M1A1 & US ARMOURED VEHICLES reflects this transition phase of 1992 with some color fotos.
Or contact the TANKOGRAD author Mr. Walter Böhm …
The only Abrams in Germany I saw in plain green were M1/M1IP. All other tanks were painted CARC. Tank who are training in GTA and JMRC take quite fast the color of the ground., i.e. tan or earth brown. it´s a far more efficient camo than CARC. So this particular tank is defintly CARC camo.
I think ours in 3/66 AR were solid green in ‘88-89 but can’t be 100% sure since I wasn’t a tanker but could be a special case since our battalion swapped with an infantry one that got sent back to Ft Hood so maybe they came from existing stock.
But this picture I took at CAT ‘89 is definitely camo.