Can anyone tell me, what are these stowage rods?

This is a Value Gear universal tents and tarps set. It’s nicely cast.

But although I enjoy building military vehicles I know little about them. Can anyone please tell me, what are these poles or rods sticking out of one bundle? They look like they should be painted gunmetal. I have no clue. Thanks!

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They’re either wooden poles for the assortment of tents the military uses or maybe poles for the camo net system. Not sure. I recall the wooden tent poles not being round though.

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There is a few types.


I suppose they could be used on any vehicle, then. Thanks!

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Those poles for a shelter half i believe.

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Is that personal gear ? Then maybe they are shelter half poles, but if it’s larger it’s probably for a tent I’m thinking.

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Thanks! I really had no idea. I just wanted to know if it was something that would only be found on tanks.

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