Can somebody tell me what i doing wrong?


i printed some ammo boxes with my Photon M3 but they have alle the same problem on on edge:

They are sliced with Lycee slicer



You need more supports right on the edge. Place a line medium supports along the edge interspersed with light supports. What’s happening, it looks like, is that that edge isn’t supported so there’s nothing to hold it when it’s printing so it’s only being pulled up when the surrounding supported areas are printed.

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I agree with Mikey on this. It appears more supports all around the edges would resolve the issue.
For example of my recent ammo can prints, I placed light supports all along the edges (kinda hard to see in Chitubox slicer but you get the idea):

Kind regards,

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Thx for your tips, i will test with my next prints

Another question, I have a 3d Model of a Jerry can, it is a 1:1 size. I scaled it down to,1/6 scale but the walls seem to thin and it breaks when removing the supports

Almost anything when scaled down is going to be too thin. You need to either thicken the walls to something that can hold up to handling and processing or make it a watertight solid.

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Maybe I can help. Let me know if you want me to take a stab at solidifying it in CAD program. PM me and send the STL file. Should take like 10 mins.

Kind regards,

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That would be great, i tried it myself but to be honest my 3d capabilities are in beginner state :grin:

OK, PM me if you want me to help.