Centurions: Fist of the Empire

Mead, you done a pretty fair job with it so I wouldn’t worry to much, and like Bravo said, once you get in with the sanding it evens itself out nicely.
I had to cut the bottom part from mine to ensure a nice snug fit as you can hopefully see below.

The cut out and after a prelim of sanding back.

I don’t think you can ever make surgery like this pretty, and anyway all the gouged areas and cut marks will be hidden … I found it easy to in sections and from the bottom up with my Tamiya saw as it gave me a bit more area for blade grip. I then trimmed with a knife blade …

This is only dry fit and held in with tape. The gaps you can see here all practically go when you push it in and it is a pretty good fit considering it’s not the AFV club wagon it was meant for. Hopefully filling will be a minimum effort as well…

Just have to fully sand back the moulded on retaining strip and should be ok I think.


Looking good, John!

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Thanks Israel, I was a bit apprehensive doing it as cutting at that area can lead to whole world of issues… I always cut well inside any guidelines and then fall back to sanding and precise cut of a knife blade until I’m happy with the fit :+1:

That’s what made me nervous too, mess it up and the whole thing will look wrong. I think I’ll take your approach, I still need to cut off the bottom of the mantlet.

Of course last night I dropped the resin mantlet and a piece chipped off. Thankfully I found the piece and the break was clean



That’s looking good

DO NOT fill the seem around the turret between the top and sides. this was made this way to show the casting mark where the turrets were sand casted . This is Duxford Mk 5

, There were three manufactures of centurion turrets


Hi All

a Quick replacement for Mk 3 and 5 mantels is teh old Taamiya Kit mantel fits AFV models

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Lucky you posted that Michael, that was going to be my next job … :+1: (About the turret seam)

Same here! I was gonna glue the halves together tonight and fill!

That was close

Hi all

the sand casting mark is varied but mostly the same place on all marks here is a few different marks of tank with them on and some in different places but I think this due to the way the mould was cast , some were three moulds and some two . some were faint some very distinctive


SWEDISH MK 3 Strv 104 bovingtons


Mk 8 build

hope it helps ossie


Very much so Ossie, saved a lot of heartache and pointless incorrect work being done … Nice save around :+1::+1:

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I had not thought of trying that. I’ve got a couple of Tamiya’s so might see if I can make a copy.

Here I was cursing the silly design of a three part turret…. Requiring an extraneous unnecessary seam


Should be Strv instead of strive (autocorrected by browser??).

Strv is the abbreviation of stridsvagn (battle chariot)
Bv in Bv206 is short for bandvagn
PvKv is Pansarvärnskanonvagn

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Hi Robin
yes auto correct changed it lol
should be STRV 104 lol

Thanks for jumping in here Ossie. Always nice to have someone around that’s actually worked on the real thing.

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You and me both. I think next time I build something with them I’m going to build up a mounting skeleton to help give them some more purchase on the model, because mine fall off ever time I even think about picking the model up.


Quick Q for @Canmedic and/or @Johnnych01. Here is where I am at with my mantlet

Ignore the chip on the bottom left. It broke off when I dropped the mantlet and I have the piece that goes there, just haven’t glued it in yet. Am I looking for a flush fit here between the front of the turret pieces and the rear mantlet?

I feel I am very close to getting a decently snug fit here but I am trying to figure out which side needs material removed

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Think I answered my own question, and that I don’t want a flush finish, more crucial that the front mantlet is flush with the turret sides. Think this is the best I’ll do and the gaps will need some filler

Fairly happy over all but the right side gap is on the largeish side. Think some thick CA will do the trick


Hi Ossie
ESC - English Steel Company, was one, were the others FHL - FH Lloyd, and K L -K & L Steelfounders, who also produced the Chieftain castings?


That’s some wack lens distortion in your last photo. It makes it look as if the front of the turret is not parallel to the front edge of the top plate. Impossible I know because you cut right at the retaining strips. Odd nonetheless, especially since you’re looking straight down at the turret.
Very nice joint indeed.