

Gives Cr a nice new lease of life. Sad to see the 120mm rifled barrel go, but I suppose all good things reach a sell by date … and the wagon still looks mean !!


It would really help if we could commit to more of them,another Regt at least! The cost of converting them from CR2 to CR3 is a bargain compared to buying new tanks.


It’s all down to money mate… There is no appetite in Gov to spend more in defence, even if it’s needed and now labour are in, we are properly screwed … They won’t repair my office that got flooded for £4k, so a new Regt of Cr3 won’t be happening soon.
And they would still rather waste money on a 2nd Aircraft carrier (PoW) that’s a mechanical nightmare …


Losing the HESH round is a real blow, but as the UK was the only user of it the costs to make them were extortionate. But with all the changes I wonder if the UK should just buy new Leopards?


Now, albeit set in a different time-zone, that’s a What-If I just might pursue ie Leos in Brit Army service, say, mid to late 70s?

On a more relevant thread note, I have a Scottcast CR 3 turret somewhere in the stash.

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No, they would be mad to. Its to vulnerable on the battlefield.
On a side note, While I was down at Lulworth on the gunnery phase of the Crew Commanders course, we had a chat/lecture from the future UK MBT evaluation team (1xLt Col -1x Maj - Both LSE from the ranks and 2x WO1 - All tank soldiers) Their tasking was to evaluate M1A2, Leo 2 against Cr2 and give their recommendations on future procurement. After extensive field testing, the report was made at Ministerial level … Buy M1A2 and build in UK … and yeap … UK Gov went with Cr2 !!


I was just being flippant - the CR3 will have so much Leo in it they’re just saving the outer skin! But yes the Leo isn’t as well protected as CR2 so saving the carcase is a good idea. Not so sure about building M1A2 here - the UK can’t afford to feed that turbine engine! Besides, the new Gov’t will squeal about fuel consumption and Net Zero…


Ah but they failed to mention the political clout of in home manufacturers.

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That is exactly what won the day


They squeal about money until the bullets start flying across the beaches then it is too late. For politicians, the worst that can happen is they get voted out if the country lasted long enough. So they have little to lose.

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Oh too true!

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I personally think the politicians should be required to carry the regimental colors into battle. If armed with pistol and the colors, I bet their vote in the chamber would be…somewhat different.


Hmmm; despite that I feel that we currently have a government at war with its own people at the moment, but that is to distract from the thread I know!

Anyway, as an aside (as to the utility of the Army and the very clout it gives, and even enables politicians), it might be worth having look at a clip from “Guns at Batasi” and the Regimental Sergeant Major’s discourse with the female MP:

film - guns at batasi - rsm and MP - Google Search

There’s 2 parts to the clip, the first one is, to my mind excellent (“It’s only because of the likes of us that you can go spouting off your silly, smarmy half-baked ideas!”

The second bit is about Mess manners but I couldn’t edit it out. however, for what it’s worth and not very much to do with AFV procurement I admit(!)


Been there :smile:


Nice one Frank; I wonder what the Royal Armoured Corps would have made of that in real life?

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Need to ask a tankie, Johnny.

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Put it on the range as a hard target … My Swingfire would of loved it :grin: